Just started another raw food cleanse it's supposed to last 11 weeks, it's called the raw food rehab. I know the last time I lasted a whole whopping 5 days of eating 100% raw. Mainly because once I know I can't have something I become obsessed with what I can't have.
Most people would be surprised to know that I eat rather healthy. I don't eat junk food, occasionally I will eat french fries from the Deschutes Brewery. For the most part I eat healthy. I drink a green smoothie for breakfast everyday, I normally eat a burrito(meatless) or veggie sandwich for lunch and then for dinner I'll have some roasted brussel sprouts or something vegetarian for dinner. I eat fish once a week. Lots of brown rice, broccoli..etc.. You get the idea..
What I've been doing that has brought me to this place is two things stress(from almost losing my house to foreclosure) and copious amounts of wine..
This is how things are going to go down now. I'm putting it out there.
1.) Wake up and make my green smoothie or green juice.
2.) Exercise at least 5 times a week for 1 hour. (I've been running and walking the river trail)
3.) Eat lots of raw food, and stick to this 11 week raw food rehab. (Which is at least 80% raw foods and 20% cooked foods)
4.)Continue my Holosync meditation cd.
In the words of my hero Yoda, " Do or Do Not, there is no Try!" (Ironic how my blog is called Trying to live the raw food life. Could there be a correlation to my many failed attempts)
Food Log for today October 16, 2009
Breakfast Green Smoothie consisting of blueberries, mango, cherries, papaya, lime, rainbow chard leaves, spinach, micro-green sprouts, water, chia seed gel, camu camu berry powder, merlin's magic, cilantro, and parsley. (All organic)
Lunch Raw Hummus made of raw soaked and sprouted almonds, raw tahini, lemon, garlic, himalayan salt, cumin, water, olive oil. With raw flax crackers which consisted of sprouted flax, pumpkin seeds, red bell pepper, onion, cilantro, carrot, sundried tomatoes, himalayan salt and cumin. A small salad consisting of romaine lettuce, spinach, red bell pepper, cucumber, carrot with my raspberry vinaigrette that is posted on this blog somewhere.
Dinner Will be Raw Tacos consisting of walnut taco meat, served with some hemp cheese dip, lots of veggies in a collard leaf.
Dessert if I feel like it, which I usually don't will be a little bit of some raw chocolate dipped into a banana.