Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Spring Cleaning

Went for a run today what a nice day for it. Took my dog Tui and tired her right out.  Tried the new restaurant Cafe Yumm. It was pretty good. I wasn't to raw today. Just had my green drink. Sunday my old boss Lynette was in town. She invited me over to her friends house and asked if I would bring some of my raw food creations. So I whipped up some cashew ricotta and made some beet ravioli's with fresh tomato sauce. I also made some raw bread and made a veggie sandwich. I also brought my mock tuna roll, and some raw chocolate goodies. They loved them. The lady asked if I would make 5 days worth of raw food can you believe my good fortune. So she wanted it for the following day 3 days worth of food. Monday I was busting my ass I  made 2 soups. Thai Carrot and Cream of Zucchini, 4 veggie sandwiches, Tostada with walnut taco meat and raw lasagna. I hope she likes everything. 

Today, Tuesday March 11th I was in a spring cleaning mood. I scrubbed and vacuumed my kitchen. Like a mad banshee.. I need to do that with every room in my house. It is so therapeutic to clean. I like listening to music and just getting really detail oriented. My kids have the next 5 days off. We will have to do something fun. I have been up and down the raw food wagon some days and weeks I do well and some weeks I don't. I am not sure why. I really want to go to Portland, Oregon soon..I get so inspired and excited by going there. I have been doing a lot of soul searching lately..That is  what is so great about spring cleaning..out with the old and in with the new. The clock change is always hard for me. I don't like it. I like when I lived in Hawaii they don't change the clocks. It's so much easier on the body. Well my little blog diary that's enough pointless blather for a day.

1 comment:

Bend Oregon Restaurants said...

I guess you wont appreciate my posts at Bend Oregon Restaurants and especially my edamame post. You and I don't appear to have similar preferences for dining options.